Prosa Security year in review and plans for 2022

2021 has been a year of growth for Prosa Security, where we’ve finally had the capacity and finances to bring on more employees. While there is still work left to do on the commercial side we’re planning to continue our growth in 2022, both through our own efforts and with our partners.

Overview of changes in 2021


  • We brought on two new full-time employees, both as developers. Their responsibilities have so far been to integrate our solution with third-party tools, such as Sparx System’s Enterprise Architect, continue development on our own tools, and to take on consultancy work when ready.
  • We’ve brought on two new part-time employees to help with research applications and bring on new commercial projects. Both have extensive contacts in the industry and academia.

New projects and development efforts

  • Two major new consultancy projects, for a large public company and for a governmental agency.
  • We have implemented 20+ new security protocols in the Prosa tools, which speeds up the modeling of new systems.
  • For our bank and fintech customers, we’ve started on a PSD2 RTS (“Payment Service 2 Regulatory Technical Standard”) template for analysing products and solutions fulfilling the strict EU regulation of banking payments.
  • Our in-house analytical tools have seen continued development, and are now in use in all consultancy work.

Other news

  • We’ve again qualified for Skattefunn, which helps fund our development and research, as well as some other support for an Innovation Norway project.
  • Together with NTNU, we’ve worked on a paper on quantum cryptography, set to be published in 2022.

Focus and goals for 2022

Our main goals are as follows:

  • Focus on building a solid economy through more commercial projects and consultancy.
  • Try to start at least one new major research project with one of our partners, preferably with some public funding.
  • Continue to fund the development of our security analysis solution through paid projects which are also useful for gaining more industry experience.

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